
Our Hatha Yoga Teachers wish to acknowledge all of those teachers who have come before us and who graciously shared their knowledge of the traditional teachings of Yoga. Each of our teachers has a unique gift and approach, linking mind, body and spirit through the practice of breathing exercises and asanas (postures). A Hatha Yoga practice involves asanas that reinforce the body’s inherent wisdom, while respecting the emotional, physical, mental and energetic needs that are unique to each person. Students are encouraged to honor their limitations and to work at their own pace. Breathing techniques heighten the awareness of the body and provide tools to support moods and energy levels. While the body stretches and strengthens, physical and emotional tension is released. Each class ends with a deep relaxation, integrating a freshly energized self. At THE YOGA LOFT we are committed to share these teachings to the best of our understanding with all those who pass through our doors.
 Victoria Nichols, M.S., RYT
Victoria began practicing Hatha Yoga in 1974 and has been teaching Yoga since 1985. She has studied and taught in the USA, U.K., Europe, and with the Iyengars in India. Her interest in health and well-being began in 1969 when she connected the cause of dis-ease with an imbalance in the whole person. Since that time she has explored into the realms of what it is to be human and the relationship of the mind, body and spirit to restore wholeness. She has additional training in nutrition, meditation, breathing, metaphysics, non-violent communication, movement and art therapy. She has a Masters of Science degree in Recreation Therapy and has worked with many special needs populations. Victoria brings to her teaching an understanding of the philosophical teachings of Yoga and the techniques of B.K.S. Iyengar. She also enjoys traveling, cooking and gardening. She opened the YOGA LOFT in 1999. 

Natalie Schwartz
Natalie began practicing yoga & meditation 17 years ago to help heal her body after a life threatening illness. Since becoming a certified teacher 10 years ago she continues to attend workshops and retreats to deepen her practice. Her teaching reflects the wisdom of yoga, mindfulness and meditation which has become a way of living for her. She finds great joy in watching her students improve body awareness and flexibility as well as reducing stress and tension. Natalie believes that going inward and focusing on the breath, one can achieve stillness & peace. She has B. A. in English. In her spare time she enjoys gardening, classical music & spending time with her grandchildren. 

Diego Gesualdi
Diego is a Health and Wellness Instructor who graduated from The Chopra Center (Carlsbad, CA) as a Vedic Educator with an emphasis in Meditation, Yoga, and Ayurveda. He studied with leading teachers in the field, such as Deepak Chopra and others in the field. Diego’s 30 year yoga, meditation and Ayurveda journey, has led him into diverse locations, such as prisons, rehabilitation programs, health organizations, and community centers.

Danijela Zakic
Danijela’s journey with yoga began 20 years ago attending a class in Santa Monica where for the first time, she experienced her movement and breathing connect.  Through continued practice she has found greater alignment within herself, with the world around her.  Experiencing an enthusiasm for life that continues to grow and a gift she is eager to share with others. She continues to be a student of the Hatha yoga practice that she shares in class. Her intention is to introduce  the wisdom of the profound teachings that she learned and continue to learn, and share its benefits with students in a very tangible and measurable ways. To promote balance and harmony. To inspire and empower as many people as she can to live their best life. Yoga is a life long journey. Care, kindness and connection is where she begins teaching, along with the belief that yoga is for everyone. She is a guide for students with a focus on breath supported by alignment cues, to find ease in the physical poses. Supporting each student in finding a sense of “effortlessness” where mind, body and breath are one.   Students will have fun in this ever-evolving practice as they learn and grow. They will enjoy her positive instruction in a welcoming environment that provides the tools to balance work and personal growth.

Jeanne DiNovis Montero

Jeanne DiNovis Montero is a 500 hour registered yoga teacher and holds an E-RYT 200 designation. Jeanne’s yoga journey began in 2011 and quickly fell in the love with the practice and the experiences that her teachers cultivated. Deciding to become a teacher herself felt like a natural next step on the path. She loves being creative with her practice and since becoming a mom she’s discovered endless ways to sprinkle some yoga into the day even when getting to a class isn’t an option. Jeanne enjoys teaching several styles of yoga including Yin and alignment based Vinyasa classes. Her goal in all class formats is to help students learn to listen to their bodies, embrace where they are on their journey, and move more effectively both on and off the mat.

Jeanne’s teaching style and philosophy center on creating an atmosphere where students are assisted in continually deepening their practice. She aims to teach that while a physical yoga practice begins with the body, it leads us to examine all other aspects of ourselves. Jeanne seeks to help students recognize their own potential, move beyond their comfort zone, and embrace a state of constant learning. As a teacher, Jeanne recognizes the importance of being a student herself and that her journey as a yoga student will never come to an end. We are all on this path together, each of us more deeply connected than we realize and we all have something to learn from each other. This is a guiding principal that informs her teaching and her life and she hopes that students see this reflected in her classes.

Megan Harvey

Megan began practicing yoga after she sustained a knee injury while dancing in college. The practice resonated with her, and soon after she completed her 200hr yoga teacher training in the Hatha method, followed by her 300hr certification a few years later. After teaching for a few years in LA, she took her first Iyengar yoga class and was smitten.  After a 3 year training program, Megan earned her certification in Iyengar yoga. Over the last 12 years of teaching, she has found that her passion for yoga is rooted in careful attention to alignment and breathe, the use of props to find more harmony in the body and adapt for all practitioners, and a drive to craft specific and approachable instruction. Her classes focus on the individual and tailoring the practice to meet their needs. Megan strives to create a welcoming environment where all students feel seen and taken care of. 

Nancy Slonaker

Nancy began practicing yoga and meditation during college as a music major. She found that yoga improved her breath control while playing flute and it helped manage stress and anxiety. She took classes with several teachers while living on the East Coast and taught yoga at Finger Lakes Community College in Canandaigua, NY. After moving to LA, Nancy taught elementary education at LAUSD for twenty-two years.  She started taking classes at The Yoga Loft in 2013 and found that yoga helped her navigate the everyday challenges of teaching in public schools. She also realized that her young students could benefit from yoga and included a variety of yoga poses and breathing exercises in her classroom. Since retiring in 2019, she has become a certified yoga instructor and is registered with Yoga Alliance (RYT 200) and (RCYT). She currently teaches yoga to children in classrooms and trains yoga teachers to become certified children’s yoga instructors.
Nancy believes that everyone can practice yoga and the benefits carry over to all aspects of life. Yoga is a life-long journey to be shared with others. Nancy enjoys working with people of all ages, guiding them to discover their own unique potential through the physical postures, breathwork, mindfulness, and meditation. Her intention is to provide a caring, safe environment where students can explore and grow in their practice.

Regi Lyne

Regi began practicing Yoga about 30 years ago, as a complement to her mindfulness meditation practice and as a way to help address chronic pain and stress. Inspired by the connection of body, breath, and mind that the practice of yoga brings, Regi completed a 200-hour certification in 2006 with Pacific Yoga in Seattle. Regi has continued her yoga studies over the years, including certifications in Yin and Trauma-Informed yoga and she will always be grateful to her teachers for the inspiration that they have given her.

Regi approaches classes from a functional point of view, with the idea that every Body is unique and should be honored and celebrated as we move in our practice. Regi loves to create a relaxed, and joyful atmosphere in the room and her hope is that everyone will find that they are becoming stronger in body and clearer in mind.

Patti Risher

Patti is a long-time practitioner, certified yoga teacher, a massage therapist and physical therapy aide for 14 years. She received her 200-yoga teacher certification in 2018. Patti is a member of Yoga Alliance and is currently working on an additional 300-hour training.  

Patti believes that yoga in all forms is how we will keep our bodies mobile and vibrant. She also strongly believes that the mind, body, spirit connection that is created with a consistent yoga practice is what will keep our minds sharp and our hearts open in this always changing world.

Sue Greenwood Nesler

Sue is the owner of Yoga East Healing Arts Studio, LLC and subsidiary Healing Arts Counseling in Cape Girain Rehabilationrdeau, Missouri. Sue is also the executive director of The Jack Finney Memorial Wellness Fund which provides outreach and educational funding for equanimity in meditation and yoga in the Southeast Missouri area. She is the educational director of the 200- and 300-hour YTT programs as well as the accredited meditation teacher training.
Sue’s offerings are informed by 25 years in the practices and teachings of yoga and working in mental health. Sue received her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a certificate in Family Studies from the University of Missouri, a Masters of Science in Rehabilitation Administration with an emphasis in counseling from Drake University, and a Masters in Mental Health Counseling from Southeast Missouri State University. She is currently serving on the credentialing committee and ethics sub-committee for the International Association of Yoga Therapists.