All classes are Hatha Yoga (physical practice)
If you would like to be on our email list send your address to info@yogaloftla.com
Class Descriptions
Let your instructor know of any physical limitations.
- Hatha Yoga Mixed is the physical practice of Yoga and reflects an eclectic mix of styles. The emphasis of each mixed class will vary depending on the instructor’s training. Some specifically focus on building strength and flexibility, some focus on teaching the correct actions of the pose with mindfulness of the breath. Yoga Practice increases flexibility and strength and reduces stress and its affects. All classes are 1 1/2 hrs. long unless noted on the schedule. These classes are suitable for all levels.
- Gentle Vinyasa Flow emphasizes breath synchronized with movement to develop strength & stamina.
- Gentle Mindful Flow a gentle flow of mindful movements with emphasis on sensations in the body and breath.
- Yoga & Meditation Balance body & mind to increase the feeling of peace, harmony and love.
- Yin a stress reducing and muscle relaxing practice.
To get the most from your practice here are some helpful hints
- We do offer the use of belts, blocks and blankets. Please bring your own mat.
- Arrive 10 minutes early to sign-in and get settled. Class starts on time. Classes are 1 1/2 hrs. unless noted.
- Please turn OFF cell phones and beepers. Let this be a sacred time for you.
- Mats and blankets are available for new students to borrow. Continuing students should plan to buy their own the cost is $25 for a mat and $22 for a blanket.
- Practice is best on an empty stomach. Wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move in.
- Please remove your shoes upon entering the studio and place them on the shoe shelf.
- We ask that you leave personal belongings downstairs, the doors will be locked.
- Some people are sensitive to scents, please refrain from wearing perfumes or colognes.
- In order for you to have a safe practice, inform your teacher before you start class if you are new and if you have any health considerations, no matter how minor they may be.
- At the end of class, please fold and put away any props that you used during class.
- Parking is a challenge for all of us, we ask that you park on the street during normal business hours M- Sat. 9-5.
Thank you for joining us on this great journey. Your consideration of the above hints is an effort to be made by all so that we can each enjoy the space that yoga provides.
Now is the time to let go of secretly saying, one of these days or some day I’ll. Now is the time to create the life you’ve always dreamed of. A Hatha Yoga practice can help us to remember not only a true sense of peace and harmony but also has proven to enhance health; mentally, physically and spiritually.
The teachings of Yoga are based on an intricate and precise understanding of the healthy functioning of the human body and mind. It’s techniques are designed to maximize vitality, increasing the potential for happy and healthy lives, especially important when living a high stressed life-style. In 1968 the World Health Organization defined health as not a mere absence of disease but as a positive state of well being at a physical, mental and social level (in 1976, the word “spirituality” was added!).
Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change that you want to see.” Our spiritual practice is to embrace all of life just as it is. When we are willing to stop expecting that life should be other than it is and let go of the mental habits that feed our darkness as we experience powerful emotions, challenging circumstances, and the ever-changing nature of our mind, by allowing our self to be openhearted to each experience, we naturally begin to feel more calm and gentle.
When we are in this calm state of mind we are more aligned with the light within us. Attend to the light within you, that is You and make certain that the light of intuitive wisdom shines as brightly as possible whenever you think, speak, act. Be ready and eager to contribute to the Light of the world in every relationship you encounter, within your own mind and with others. In your light, our nation and world will heal and flourish.
Our Yoga and meditation practice provides us with the tools we need to stay connected to our inner light. Some additional practices that help us to stay connected are random acts of kindness and remembering to be grateful for what we already have and to accept each moment as a glorious gift. Live from your heart and you will inspire others to do the same. With deep gratitude and humility for this life we have we can Be that change.
Please check our schedule of classes for changes. We look forward to practicng with you – Vijiaya
Blessings from the staff at The Yoga Loft.